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Speak to an expert to discover all the debt solutions available to you.
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A debt management plan is an arrangement that we make with your creditors to reduce your repayments and pay-back all of your debt over a longer period of time. We’ll help you to work out what you need to pay out for each month and what you have left-over to pay off your debts.
If your situation changes, the arrangement can be changed to suit you, and it’s easy to cancel if you decide you no longer need the plan. You’ll pay a monthly fee to us to manage your debts, but this is taken from your repayment so you only ever pay what you can afford.
For a for more information on an DMP, and a full list of all the advantages and disadvantages. Please click here.
If you cannot pay your debts, you can apply to make yourself bankrupt. Bankruptcy is a formal insolvency route and can have serious financial implications.
Creditors can apply to make you bankrupt, or you can apply yourself. It is something to be carefully considered.
The three ways you can go bankrupt are: you apply for bankruptcy yourself, an application for bankruptcy from a creditor, or an IVA Supervisor if you fail to meet the terms of your Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA).
Key features:
You lose control of finances and assets; the official receiver or Trustee appointed on your case will decide what happens to your valuable assets and finances.
Check your eligibility for Bankruptcy by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
An IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors to pay back your debts over a period of time.
If most creditors agree to your IVA proposal and it is accepted, you must agree to make regular payment contributions to an insolvency practitioner who will administer the IVA for both you and your creditors, and they will fairly divide your payment contributions between your creditors.
An IVA can give you more control of your assets than bankruptcy.
Key features:
Check your eligibility for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
A Debt Relief Order (DRO) is a way of dealing with your debts if you can’t afford to pay them. It means you don’t have to pay certain debts for a specified period (usually 12 months).
At the end of the DRO period, the debts included in it will be written off (‘discharged’), and you won’t have to pay them.
If you obtained any debts through fraud, you must restart paying them when the DRO has ended.
If your circumstances change to pay some or all of your debts, your DRO may be revoked so you can arrange to pay your creditors (the people or companies you owe money to).
To be eligible for a DRO, you must meet these criteria:
You won’t be eligible if you are involved in bankruptcy proceedings or any other formal insolvency procedure. However, if one of your creditors has asked a court to make you bankrupt, you may ask the creditor for permission to apply for a DRO instead.
Key features:
You must not break any of the restrictions
Your creditors can ask the Insolvency Service to investigate and get Debt Relief Restrictions Order (DRRO) against you if they believe:
Check your eligibility for a Debt Relief Order (DRO) by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
A Debt Management Plan is an informal repayment agreement between you and your creditors to pay your debts.
Debt management plans are an alternative debt solution to formal, legally binding arrangements, such as an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) or Bankruptcy. They are available to residents in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Debt management plans are typically used under the following circumstances:
Key Features:
Check your eligibility for a Debt Management Plan (DMP) by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
An Administration Order is a repayment plan arranged by the County Court and is only available in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
An Administration Order legally binds your creditors and protects you from them.
The creditors included in the order cannot contact you for payment or add any more interest or charges to your debts once the administration order has been approved.
To apply for an Administration Order, you need to have:
Key features:
Check your eligibility for an Administration Order by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
Breathing Space is a new debt option that gives you temporary protection from the creditors you owe money to if you are struggling with debts.
Key features:
There are two types of Breathing Space:
Check your eligibility for Breathing Space by clicking on the ‘Eligibility Check’ link below:
Let’s say you owe…
Debt Type | Amount |
Bank Loan | £5,366.00 |
Gas Bills | £129.00 |
Pay Day Loan | £1,989.00 |
Overdraft | £1,234.68 |
Debt Collection Agency | £380.16 |
Short Term Loan | £243.88 |
Debt Collection Agency | £471.61 |
Council Debt | £1,009.24 |
Credit Card | £8,433.00 |
Total amount owed | £19,256.57 |
After an IVA
debt written off
IVA Payments
per month
Example case completed in 2023. Repayment calculated using income and expenditure data. Monthly payments and write off percentages are based on individual circumstances.