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A flexible and hassle-free repayment arrangement to help you get back on track with your finances

A debt management plan is an arrangement that we make with your creditors to reduce your repayments and pay-back all of your debt over a longer period of time. We’ll help you to work out what you need to pay out for each month and what you have left-over to pay off your debts.

If your situation changes, the arrangement can be changed to suit you, and it’s easy to cancel if you decide you no longer need the plan. You’ll pay a monthly fee to us to manage your debts, but this is taken from your repayment so you only ever pay what you can afford.

For a for more information on an DMP, and a full list of all the advantages and disadvantages. Please click here.

Make one affordable monthly payment to us and we’ll manage the payments to your creditors for you.
We deal with your lenders on your behalf, taking care of all the hassle and paperwork.

How do I get started?

Answer a few quick questions

Use our easy online questionnaire to start the debt help process.

Speak to a debt specialist

Our friendly, experienced team will explain all the available options.

Choose your plan

Select the best solution for your circumstances and lifestyle.

Check if you qualify

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What debt are you most concerned about?

Credit Cards

Over Drafts

Unsecured Loans

Store Cards

Personal Loans

Utility Bills

Business Debt


Advantages of a DMP

We will manage the contact with your creditors and provide them everything they need. So, as long as you keep in touch with us, your creditors shouldn’t need to contact you.

You will just make one monthly payment to us, instead of paying all of your creditors individually.

In the vast majority (99.48%) of cases, creditors will stop applying interest and charges, so the money you pay will come straight off the balance.

You will have an online account which you can use to view your account and make changes.

If your circumstances change, we will renegotiate the payments with your creditors.

Disadvantages of a DMP

Your creditors don’t have to agree to the repayment, or to freeze interest and charges.

A debt management plan doesn’t protect you from further recovery or legal action from your creditors.

Your credit rating will be impacted because you’ll be paying reduced amounts to each creditor. If you’ve been missing payments to your debts it is likely that your credit report will already have been impacted.

How does it work?

Let’s say you owe…

Debt Type Amount
Bank Loan £5,366.00
Gas Bills £129.00
Pay Day Loan £1,989.00
Overdraft £1,234.68
Debt Collection Agency £380.16
Short Term Loan £243.88
Debt Collection Agency £471.61
Council Debt £1,009.24
Credit Card £8,433.00
Total amount owed £19,256.57

After an IVA

debt written off

IVA Payments
per month

Example case completed in 2023. Repayment calculated using income and expenditure data. Monthly payments and write off percentages are based on individual circumstances.

Use our debt solution finder to see how we could help you